Really… About me.

Really… About me.

Contemplating a blog.. What has gone through my mind has been quite amusing.

I must say, i do have a deep desire to connect with others and to help where I can. I thrive on hearing peoples stories and being a friend.  I seriously love to pray for people too.. something in my heart and spirit aches for those in pain and truly rejoices for those in victory.. so. What do I write about?

I will begin with my relate-ability.. so when I do blog about day to day, you will know where I am coming from and you will hopefully share with me as well..

..If you have parents that are divorced, I relate.  If you got the fast pass to responsibility in your young life, I got your back.  If you had a child in high school and was extremely independent about it – oh girl, we can chat.. Where I can really connect with the masses is in my history of looking for love in all the wrong places.. the text book, “bad relations with my daddy, so self-esteem issues etc. etc..” to that end I can share with those who have been date raped and beaten by someone they trusted.  I can commiserate  with those who have been divorced – twice. but then giggle with those who actually found their soul mate, on a blind date, and it’s still great – i can re-late..:) (my Dr. Seuss nod)

If you have children – boys or girls.. we can talk all day long.  If you’ve had a C-section, went all natural, induced or had an epidural, I can share in your stories.. If any of your children have learning disabilities, physical disabilities, are crazy smart and sensitive and a joy to your heart, I know how you feel! if you have a child that has a drug problem, has been in jail, has been molested, has lost a parent in the mist of puberty, and has lead a pretty destructive lifestyle, I can be here for you too..

If you have had several heath issues yourself, including cancer scares, and a hysterectomy in your 30’s, I can chat about hormones and hot flashes all day long.

Finally, if you are even a tad bit OCD and feel the need to be a leader most of the time, as in scouts, classrooms, team sports and church, even to the point of home-schooling.. I would love to sit on a swing and listen to how you handled it.. I don’t know if the jury is back from reviewing my history just yet.

My only real accomplishment and the force that has brought me to where I am today, is my realization that God is in control.  He always has been and always will be.  He has allowed even the darkest of days to pass through my life and I can honestly give him praise for all of it.  The good, bad and ugly.  The good witnesses his favor and desire for me to smile, the bad is to bring me into a stronger relationship with Him, to rely on Him and Him alone for my peace and to soften my heart for the hurting, the lost and the least in this world.  For the ugly. Well. The ugly is to keep my eyes on His beauty.  Creation screams when the ugly is roaring.. It is meant to keep my focus on the eternal.. this life is but temporary.  This too shall pass. Praise the Lord.

If you will let me, I will share my life with you – from the perspective of this girl.. daughter, sister, wife, and mother who has experienced much and can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

7 Responses »

  1. Its about time! Really. I love our chats whether their by text, cell, facebook, computer blog or face to face. Your friendship has been such an inspiration to me over the years (can’t even remember how many). We should talk about memory problems too. Love you and your family and can’t wait to read more…

  2. Jennifer, you are truly a superwoman!!! You should definitely continue this blog for sure! Your first post is awesome and so inspiring, and reading through it I kept answering, Yes, Yes, No, almost, close to that, Yes, wow! Really?? 🙂 I think that God will truly use you to continue to help others through this blog!

  3. Jenn….really nice work here!! I’m hooked, sign me up. What a beautiful story of redemption and grace. I know God has mighty plans for you to use it all for His glory. AND my oh my what a source of comfort, help and encouragement you’ll be (and already are!) to so many!

    Keep goin’ girl. One step at a got the good stuff!

  4. Jennifer, this was so beautiful. You should write books. I have enjoy every word. I am hooked. Keep writing. I thought I was reading Ted Dekker. You are such a wonderful writer. I look forward to the next time. Hurry Girl! Hurry!

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