Tag Archives: resolutions

The 2012 List

The 2012 List

In 2012 I am going to do things a little bit different. You could call this my resolution list, but I’m going to call it my goal list instead.  I’m determined to improve, but “resolution” sounds so immediate and final, and having a goal list sounds more of a long term, flowly thing for me. So here’s my top 20 for the coming year…

  1. I’m no longer going to be the girl who calls to see what everyone else is wearing.
  2. Im going to wear my fancy shoes more often. Even with jeans, and to the grocery store.
  3. I’m finally going to finish the book “Quitter” by Jon Acuff…
  4. I have earned the “worst relative” trophy, so I am going to remember all of my families birthdays this year and respond accordingly… for a change. And I am not expecting or anticipating them to reciprocate.
  5. I will forfeit my nickname, “the enabler” and shop less. Sorry friends. Unless I move, I have no more room for anything…not even socks.
  6. I will pray for everyone who speeds past my house, even though the speed limit is 25 and they are obviously not concerned with the children playing in the yards.
  7. Quiet time. Yes. I will. Really.
  8. Walk my dogs. Yes. I will. Probably.
  9. Work unto the Lord in all that I do – that covers a ton. Mothering, relationships, blogging, serving…you get the picture.
  10. I will meal plan (again) and cook more healthy meals (again).
  11. Clean out my attic. (ha ha ha… just kidding – it’s on my wish list and really wants to be on the goal list, but I don’t think I’m quite ready)
  12. Use coupons at the grocery, not just at Macy’s.
  13. Mentor someone. Seriously.
  14. Catch up on my scrap booking.
  15. Learn PhotoShop.
  16. Participate in a women’s group…like a Bible study, not shoppers anonymous.
  17. Volunteer more. I’ve ebbed and flowed over the years, and 2011 was a year that I served the least, so I am ready to get back out there…
  18. I’m really going to put “journal more” on this list. I have volumes with missing months and even years… It’s kinda like serving. Both are always on my list.
  19. I plan on staying to my weight loss plan – it’s so much a part of my life now, I almost forgot to list it. Although, when I lose more weight, I will have to go shopping again…
  20. Listen more and speak less. I think I can, I think I can…Really.

So, there it is. My goals for this year. Most of those are reruns, but some are making their debut. What are your plans for 2012?