Tag Archives: silent auction



It’s that time of year when we purchase stuff for others, and they reciprocate.  Most of the stuff we exchange are things we don’t really need, and sometimes, they are things we don’t even want.  Thus the creation of the “wish lists” and gift cards.

My daughter is having a huge fund raiser tomorrow for her mission trip, and we are putting together silent auction baskets.  I was overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I was able to collect around my own home to make these baskets complete.  Stuff I’ve been given and purchased, and stuff I really had no trouble parting with.

Why do we collect so much stuff?  Do I really need a closet full of small appliances?  I’ve got enough craft supplies to keep a girl scout troop busy for years.  I’m not even going to share how many pairs of black shoes I own…Really…

At this time of year when shopping is at it’s peak, I thought I’d risk a little political incorrectness, and share a top 10 list to keep in the back of your mind while shopping for others and for yourselves…

The top ten ways you might have too much stuff…

  1. Your neighbors call you to borrow random items…like purple construction paper and you have plenty.
  2. Your closet is bigger than an average bathroom…and it’s full
  3. You have rubbermaid in your investment portfolio… or you should.
  4. When pulling out Christmas stuff, you find bags of gifts from last year… and the year before.
  5. You have paths in room(s) through your stuff..
  6. When your garage is open on the weekends, people stop and try to shop.
  7. TLC is leaving you messages…
  8. You can go 3 weeks without doing the laundry and not run out of clean clothes.
  9. If something’s on sale, it’s a good deal no matter how many you already have…cause you can give it as a gift…
  10. You can make several beautiful silent auction baskets and never leave your house.

So, this time of year think twice before you buy… for others and for yourself.  Be thoughtful and creative in your giving, and don’t just buy something for the sake of a package under the tree.  The happiest people I know, have the least amount of stuff anyway. Really.

What was the best or worst gift you’ve ever received?