Thinking about what to post this week was difficult. There are so many things on my heart, but I never feel lead to share them – I usually write when I feel pressed upon – or pressured, whichever comes first.
I asked my husband what I should write about and he went off on the upcoming election… I just turned around and walked away. I asked my college kid, and she said, “Broke college kids”… I said, no, so she said I should write about, “The increase of younger people getting married”… I responded, that I didn’t really know anyone that has done that recently. So, then she told me to write about prostitution. Really? I then got a text from her, informing me that I was the blogger and I should figure it out myself. My youngest son, in his obvious humbleness, told me to write about how wonderful he is…. I’m not going to ask anyone else. I’m realizing that it probably wasn’t a good idea to ask them in the first place.
So, I figured it out on my own and here it is…
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my life “scales”. One side being worldly, responsibilities, hobbies, entertainment, etc., and the other side, kingdom work. Now, don’t go jumping on the “covered by grace” train, I know I can’t earn my salvation, (Eph 2:8) but I am called to participate in the work of the kingdom. Wearing the Jesus Team jersey comes with responsibility. (Rom 12) The reasoning for the work can’t be driven by the belief that your salvation depends on it. It’s supposed to driven by the Spirit that you have dwelling within you, and your gratitude for salvation – and the love you have for your Savior.
I used a marriage as an example when I explained it to my kids. If you marry someone, (enter into a covenant relationship) and you never spend time getting to know them better, (reading the Word) or doing anything they asked you to, (kingdom work), or even talked to them all the time, (praying), how good would that marriage be? Makes sense, right?
Reading the Word isn’t as hard as it used to be. I look forward to it. I can’t describe the peace it has brought into my life…
Praying without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17) has always been easy…If you know me, this shouldn’t be a surprise. Sometimes I feel like that verse was put in there just for me, “Sure God! I will talk to you ALLL day!” I so got that one.
It’s the kingdom work that I stumble on. Don’t get me wrong, I love to serve. But it’s more like, depending on my mood, or the need, time, location, energy level, schedule, is it in my “gifting”? Do I do it for the glory or for God’s glory?
I do believe that running our company with Christian values makes a difference. Serving in our local body of believers is very important, (Rom 12) and just being pleasant, does shine a light for the most part. (especially while driving in the Atlanta area) I even try to scatter seeds by mentioning my faith often, and I offer to pray for those that seem to need it. But do I do what Christ himself as asked me to do? (Matt 28:18-20) Have I shared the gospel lately or served when it wasn’t so easy? Ah… No.
It’s the going out and sharing the reason for my hope that trips me up. It’s stepping out of the boat, when it’s not convenient, or easy, and maybe it’s even a little scary…But that’s when God will get the glory, because you couldn’t have done it without him.
We told our youngest son that he couldn’t have a fantasy sports team this week, because his scales were already too “sports heavy”. You might think we’re mean, or too strict, but we are trying to teach him to manage his time wisely, and to be aware of the delicate balance of it. As a young Christian man, he has the same responsibilities that I do in the Kingdom. 
We are never given a redo of time. We will not wake up on Ground Hog Day, over and over again. But even though days have passed, God, through His grace, gives us brand new ones. With each tick of the clock, and breath in our lungs, we can adjust our scales (Pro 16:11) as often as we need to. I’m putting sharing the gospel back on mine.
Do you know that Christ loves you so much that he died for you?
How do you make sharing the gospel a regular practice in your life?