Category Archives: fellowship

Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting
Treasure Hunting

church-shoppingI’ve written about this before, but have always trashed it, due to my need to be politically correct… in a public forum anyway, but the time has come, and now I write once again…

Have you ever been “between” churches?  Ya know what I mean? For whatever reason, you are without a church “home” and are in the process of visiting different churches …

We are.  It’s not fun.  It’s depressing.  Last week we visited a church, and the family behind us talked through the entire service, except during a baptism.  They didn’t even whisper.  We just leaned forward a bit and tried to focus…

Maybe you don’t know what I mean, because you are one of those super cool, laid back, secure Christians, that can go just about anywhere and be confident that you will fit right in and all will be well.  Nothing bothers you – you probably wouldn’t have had one bad thought about those people behind us…

I wish I were more like you.  I don’t understand why I can’t just find a church that keeps it simple, keeps it biblical, and keeps it focused.  A church that puts more into discipleship then the sound system, and encourages and equips parents to parent, instead of wooing the youth into a Christian, socially relevant sub culture.  A place where there is community outreach 24-7… not once a quarter, or in the summer, or just those awesome Christmas shoeboxes…  Men’s ministry should be a priority, as well as the widow, orphan and the single mom’s…  Is it too much to ask for?  Have we forgotten that the #1 way people come to Christ and to Church is because someone invited them?

The early church grew because they were loving and caring for one another. They were sharing and eating and just doing real life together.  “Sunday Christians” were not even considered Christians.  Being a Christ follower was a way of life, not a weekly event… Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?  Are we all too busy with our own lives that we can’t see what has been demonstrated for us?  So, instead of re-focusing and setting our priorities within a Christian community, we spend time and money on programs, and impressive music sets and appealing decorations and topical sermons that are more like self help seminars to draw people in…

But guess what? All of that can be found a mile down the road in another church, but authentic community, now that’s a treasure worth finding and keeping.  Really. **

The Fellowship of the Believers Acts 2:42-47

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.



** Obviously, this is a deep topic, that I have given a very short post for… I do understand the complexities of community, and I also don’t expect to find a “perfect” church… but  a girl can dream, can’t she?




Yesterday was kind of a girl day for me.  I had lunch with 2 sweet friends I hadn’t seen in a few months, and then I had women’s bible study at my house that evening.  It was a wonderful day filled with laughing, crying, hugs, and love….

This morning when the alarm went off, I was not pleased.  I rolled over and told my husband I was too tired today!  He grunted and told me it was because I had too much girl time yesterday… which is “life force draining”.  Seriously?  Then he tells me that women have the “D.E.F.” (Drama Effect Factor)  Then he tells me that he thinks all women should come with a DEF label… any woman over a 10, should probably be a Nun, because most men couldn’t handle her.  Then he actually said, “Men have a DEF issue with women sometimes”.  YOU THINK?

He was totally playing around with me this morning and teasing me for keeping him and my son trapped in the basement until 10PM, while me and eight of my girlfriends had a fabulous time together.  He was a riot, and it did get me up – mostly to just slap him …

After I got out the door, I was thinking about what he said, and it really did make sense in a way.  Women do share emotion.  Men usually don’t.  Women usually deal with drama.  Men don’t.  I wouldn’t classify sharing each other’s burdens “drama” – but men usually do.  Now, I know there are exceptions to this rule – and my man has even been spotted tearing up at a Publix commercial or two.  He even attends a “men’s group” each week where they take a “lie” of the world and compare it to the truth of the Word… aaaaand they talk about sports…

I was actually melancholy yesterday before I had all of my “girl time”.  I have had a lot on my mind, and was just feeling blah.  After spending the day with my friends, I felt better.  Really better.  I didn’t feel “life force drained”.  I felt revived.

I think fellowship is very important.  It’s even important to God.  The Bible is filled with instruction and encouragement on fellowship. Hebrews 10:23-25 says, “ Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

I love spending time with my girlfriends.  I recommend joining a small group, or mom’s group, book club, or something.  Bible Studies come with the added bonus of learning God’s Word together, as well as praying for each other, which is awesome…  I know some ladies out there think they are loners.  You’re not.  You might not like a big group, and that’s OK, but no one should be alone all the time.  We weren’t designed for that.  You might have been burned or you’re scared, but we’ve ALL been burned and are scared!  True fellowship is worth the risk.  I promise.

I love being a girl and I love fellowship… How about you?