This week was eventful and uneventful…
My mood ranged from ecstatic to forlorn… stressed to carefree, and disappointed to satisfied. You could say it sounds like I’m a mom, but I can’t monopolize the roller coaster, as anyone could have a turn…I will share some of my week, in hopes that you can relate and share yours with me.
I finished a book (Weird) and started a new one (Heaven is for Real), and went to my women’s group study to watch a Beth Moore video, and fellowship. I made it to a few business appointments that went well, and learned some things about the community where I live. I participated in lively conversations about homosexuality and christianity, as well as government and morality, and didn’t loose any friends in the process.
One of my kids needed lots of reassurance, and one needed hope, one needed cash and they all needed time. I visited a doctor, and a hospital, and watched my sons be brave. I met a “new” potential girlfriend, that I actually really liked,
and I had a couple soul searching conversations about the future. My daughter surprised me with her new tattoo and then I had to social network my “approval” of it…
I ate really well this week, and was rarely alone. I had a few fabulous lunches, with good friends, and even a date night with my handsome man. Some marvelous live music was part of the week, from a jazz band to an oldies band. I even attended a birthday party, and made some new friends…
The homeschool expo was in town, and I got out with just a few purchases… my bag was less than 10 pounds… I think. I visited a non-profit that deals with homelessness on levels that I’ve never seen. I gave a few dollars to a jobless man sitting on a corner. Both experiences convicted my heart, and made me reflect on the billions of blessings I have.
I prayed, studied, cleaned, cooked, shopped, banked, and did some laundry. I even tweeted, texted, emailed, facebooked, checked in, and linked in…The bills got paid, and the account is balanced, although my desk is still a mess, and my file pile should have it’s own zip code. I watched some stupid tv, and some not so stupid…mostly stupid.
I did enforce some rules, and debated some negotiables… I lamented over my youth when physical exhaustion took over, and I lamented over my children’s youth… because they are just so dang grown.
I entered a weight loss contest, and finished a huge project that has taken months of my time… and now, I attempt to blog.
I’m sure I forgot something, but I’m too tired to reflect any longer. My life is good, and I don’t take it for granted. Even when the trials come, I know how blessed I am and my gratitude list is long… Really.
How was your week and what are you grateful for?