Tag Archives: blessings

I Have a Secret – Part 2

I Have a Secret – Part 2

IAfter my last post, entitled “I Have a Secret” I received messages, calls and texts from people offering prayer and support. I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love that I felt and I was covered in a peace that can only be defined as super-natural. It was just the beginning… (Miracle 1)

A week after that post, I received that dreaded, middle-of-the-night phone call. My son had over-dosed and had been taken to the hospital in an ambulance.

After I got off the phone, I could only lay there in the dark and pray. I prayed till I thought enough time had passed for me to get an accurate update from the hospital, and then I called. He was stable. Praise the Lord. (Miracle 2)

I slept for a few hours, and when the sun rose, so did I. My husband quickly got me booked on the next available flight. We are not rich folk, but we do have some frequent flyer miles – the last minute ticket was going to cost $1,100.00 but with our miles it was only $11.25… (Miracle 3)

By the time I arrived that night, my son had already been taken from the medical hospital to the psychiatric hospital for observation and detox. This hospital required an intake interview and they had to have a bed available…which they did, and he was admitted. (Miracle 4)

When I arrived, I was told I was not allowed to see him without a doctor’s order. I was staying with my mother, so at least I would be able to spend time with her, and we could be support for each other, as she was just as traumatized as I was. We stayed busy researching, and investigating things that just needed to be handled, with surprising success. (Miracle 5)

After two and a half days, I was finally able to see him. He had lost a lot of weight, and was pretty scruffy. He’s normally a body builder, meticulous about personal hygiene, so this was a bit of a shock. Even in the physical changes I was seeing, the one thing that has been the same since he opened them in my arms 32 years ago today, was his eyes. His beautiful windows into his soul. I saw him there and I was overwhelmed with hope.   He was so broken. He was sweet and gentle. He said he was sorry, like he really meant it. This might sound strange to someone who is not used to dealing with an addict, but it’s really huge. (Miracle 6)

He agreed, whole-heartedly, to go into a long-term program. We had found one in another town, that he had even looked into last year. He had always balked at long-term anything, so this was also huge. He called them and did a phone interview. He was accepted, and they had a bed available… (Miracle 7)

I had to fly home the next day, and it was still unknown as to when he would be released. Of course, it was the very next day…

My mother and her husband picked him up and drove him straight to the program, four hours away. We were a little apprehensive that he would change his mind, so I posted on social media to just pray for my son… BLOWN AWAY by the response! Over 200 comments, texts, messages and calls total! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!  They arrived safely, checked in and was ready. (Miracle 8 & 9)

His wife has agreed to hold off on filing for divorce, and she is in regular contact with me too. I don’t know what the future holds for them together, but my prayer is for complete restoration – for them personally and for their marriage.

Through this entire experience, I did not break down. I didn’t loose my temper or my mind. Yes, some tears came, but not heart-wrenching, sobbing or mass confusion. (which is not beneath me) I can only explain it as a super-natural peace, which has enveloped me – and still does. I am OK. (Miracle 10)

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

True Story…

I counted 10 BIG miracles, but I am sure there are many more in and through all of this that I have missed… God’s plans are always way bigger than we can see.

Today is his birthday and it’s day 14 in the program and 20 days clean. I know those numbers aren’t that big yet, but I have hope and peace… really.

That birthday miracle has been granted.

Thank you for your prayers. They were heard and felt.

I would love to hear your story – and I would be honored to pray for you too…



His Hands. A Father’s Day Poem

His Hands. A Father’s Day Poem

me & my best friend

His Hands

When I think about my husband and how blessed I truly am,

My thoughts always seem to go to his loving, caring hands.

I think about how strong they are as they carried all our babes,

And even carried me, when the strength had left my legs.

His hands work hard to earn a living, as he toils at his work,

He provides abundantly for our family, and never does he shirk.

I love the way his hands can be the Master of the grill,

He cooks, and cleans and fixes things all with focused skill.

His hands don’t ever mind the dirt or grime or dust,

They are always open for anything, always full of trust.

I think about the way his hands love to play guitar,

Listening to him play and sing, He will always be my star.

I love the way those hard working hands, can gently touch my skin,

And hold me close to his chest, so I can soak him in.

My favorite thing about his hands are when they praise our Lord,

To see them reaching for God’s love can make my spirit soar.

My husband is a blessing, a father without compare,

I bless him and thank God for him, this has always been my prayer.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the awesome Dad’s out there. May God Bless you…



I’ve been thinking about my friends lately, and how blessed I am to have them.  I then began to ponder each relationship I have, and I gleaned a new appreciation for the diversity and intensity of the cast of characters I call friends.

I think many of us have close friends and the rest fall in the category of “friend”, just at varying levels.  Then we have the “just Facebook” friends and acquaintances.  I do consider most of my Facebook friends, friends though.  I’ve tried to stay away from the acquaintances on Facebook, but there are a few…There’s only a small group of folks that I haven’t really communicated with in decades, but have fond memories of from my youth.  It is interesting to see how they grew up.  Some of those old friends still look the same, and some I wouldn’t know if I walked into them at the mall.  Either way, I am glad to have reconnected.

My “friends”, are those that I really do enjoy, but I don’t get to see very often.  I think about them every now and then, and will offer up a prayer on their behalf .  They are on my Facebook and I may actually comment on their posts… I always realize how much I miss them when I do get to see them.

I spend most time with my close friends.  I have a group of ladies, that are not all friends with each other, but all mean the world to me. They are a very diverse group, which is kinda funny to me when I think about it.  My girls range between 3 decades in ages, they are all different shapes and sizes and occupations.  Some are married, and some are single.  Most of my BFF’s have kids, but not exclusively.  I have friends that pray for me, and with me, and some that just send me good vibes and happy thoughts.  I even have friends that are on both sides of the political fence and we can always meet in the middle and agree to disagree without hard feelings. Really.

Several years ago, I heard a pastor say to look around at your friends.  If they are all exactly like you, there is a problem.  If we are truly trying to be like Christ, we should have friends that cover a broad range of life.  At the time, all of my close confidents, could have been my twin.  Now, I can truly testify to the blessings that abound in diversity in friendships.  I have been challenged, and confronted.  I have been forced to step outside of my comfort zone at times, and truly see people from the inside out.  I have had the opportunity to share my faith, and pray for them and I have given them lots of opportunities to pray for me!  I have served in love and have been served in love. I have even changed my mind on more than one occasion and I have definitely grown more as a person because of my friends.

My husband is my best friend, (really) but after him, the Lord has brought some fabulous women into my life. Women need girlfriends and my friends rock.

How about you? Have you told your friends how much you appreciate them lately?