Looking for Hearts

Looking for Hearts

heart collectionI am on the development team for a ministry called NBS2go. (Neighborhood Bible Study to Go –www.NBS2go.com ) The founder of this ministry is kind of obsessed with rocks, shells, and just about anything that look likes a heart. She loves to share how God revealed to her through these hearts that God is awakening hearts all around the world, through neighborhood Bible studies. She has quite an impressive collection to say the least! It’s always exciting to see another heart shape in something… She seems to find them EVERYWHERE!

beach walkingYesterday I was at the beach with my family. My husband  and 2 of my kids went walking after dinner, and my husband asked me if I was keeping my eyes open for “hearts” for my sweet friend. Wow. Honestly, I hadn’t been looking. I was too concerned with walking in the sand and not stepping on something sharp. So, I begin looking. My husband found one right away! I kept walking and walking, and looking. I would see one, that kind of looked like a heart, but not a really good one – I wanted a totally obvious one – no imagination required!

We walked for quite a while before turning back. I kept looking and passing over the partial looking hearts… and then it hit me. How many times am I too busy or concerned with my own walk or my own safety (mental or physical) to seek out hearts for God? How did my heart look when someone shared that love with me?  Then when I do finally decide to look, it doesn’t matter how long I walk, or have walked… How many hearts have I walked right passed, and not shared the love of Christ with because I didn’t think the circumstances were “just right”? Imagination required. Or better yet, faith required.

I didn’t find a heart yesterday, but my husband did. I was bummed, but then I was also reminded that one heart is just as important to one heartGod as a whole bucket full. (Luke 15:3-7)I love how the Spirit reminds me of truth, and opens my own heart and eyes to the love He has for every single heart out there.  The good news is that it’s never too late.  My prayer is that I will find one, either on the beach tomorrow, or back home in my very own neighborhood. Really.


His Hands. A Father’s Day Poem

His Hands. A Father’s Day Poem

me & my best friend

His Hands

When I think about my husband and how blessed I truly am,

My thoughts always seem to go to his loving, caring hands.

I think about how strong they are as they carried all our babes,

And even carried me, when the strength had left my legs.

His hands work hard to earn a living, as he toils at his work,

He provides abundantly for our family, and never does he shirk.

I love the way his hands can be the Master of the grill,

He cooks, and cleans and fixes things all with focused skill.

His hands don’t ever mind the dirt or grime or dust,

They are always open for anything, always full of trust.

I think about the way his hands love to play guitar,

Listening to him play and sing, He will always be my star.

I love the way those hard working hands, can gently touch my skin,

And hold me close to his chest, so I can soak him in.

My favorite thing about his hands are when they praise our Lord,

To see them reaching for God’s love can make my spirit soar.

My husband is a blessing, a father without compare,

I bless him and thank God for him, this has always been my prayer.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the awesome Dad’s out there. May God Bless you…

Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting
Treasure Hunting

church-shoppingI’ve written about this before, but have always trashed it, due to my need to be politically correct… in a public forum anyway, but the time has come, and now I write once again…

Have you ever been “between” churches?  Ya know what I mean? For whatever reason, you are without a church “home” and are in the process of visiting different churches …

We are.  It’s not fun.  It’s depressing.  Last week we visited a church, and the family behind us talked through the entire service, except during a baptism.  They didn’t even whisper.  We just leaned forward a bit and tried to focus…

Maybe you don’t know what I mean, because you are one of those super cool, laid back, secure Christians, that can go just about anywhere and be confident that you will fit right in and all will be well.  Nothing bothers you – you probably wouldn’t have had one bad thought about those people behind us…

I wish I were more like you.  I don’t understand why I can’t just find a church that keeps it simple, keeps it biblical, and keeps it focused.  A church that puts more into discipleship then the sound system, and encourages and equips parents to parent, instead of wooing the youth into a Christian, socially relevant sub culture.  A place where there is community outreach 24-7… not once a quarter, or in the summer, or just those awesome Christmas shoeboxes…  Men’s ministry should be a priority, as well as the widow, orphan and the single mom’s…  Is it too much to ask for?  Have we forgotten that the #1 way people come to Christ and to Church is because someone invited them?

The early church grew because they were loving and caring for one another. They were sharing and eating and just doing real life together.  “Sunday Christians” were not even considered Christians.  Being a Christ follower was a way of life, not a weekly event… Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?  Are we all too busy with our own lives that we can’t see what has been demonstrated for us?  So, instead of re-focusing and setting our priorities within a Christian community, we spend time and money on programs, and impressive music sets and appealing decorations and topical sermons that are more like self help seminars to draw people in…

But guess what? All of that can be found a mile down the road in another church, but authentic community, now that’s a treasure worth finding and keeping.  Really. **

The Fellowship of the Believers Acts 2:42-47

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.



** Obviously, this is a deep topic, that I have given a very short post for… I do understand the complexities of community, and I also don’t expect to find a “perfect” church… but  a girl can dream, can’t she?


Top Really’s for January

Top Really’s for January

Looking back at the first month of 2013, these are the top things that caused me to say my ever popular word… “Really?”  Whether it was said from a happy place of excitement or from shock at an unbelievable situation, or just flatly stating an undeniable fact… the word fit the bill.  Now You decide…


My son is engagedengagement ring

My other son is engaged.

I’m going to be an instant “grandma” to 4 amazing kids…

My daughter is talking about pledging a Sorority

The gun control debate…


Nicki Minaj is on American Idol…he's driving!

Pop Culture…. Just… pop culture… sigh.

My youngest just got his driver’s permit (!!!)

I feel 25 in my head…most of the time, and can finally admit it.

I named my GPS Marsha… so I can say it 3 times in a row whenever she is “replanning”… (Does anyone even get this? Or am I really lamer than I think)

Fringe ended… forever.

I’m more nervous about my puppy’s training school graduation, then I was about my kids… (How am I going to get her to “stay” for 30 whole seconds??)Good bye Sybil

The Downton Abbey death… (OMGosh!)

Seeing the full moon… (I know… this isn’t a “new” thing, but every time I see one, I can’t help but to be in awe of it and our Creator)

After not really having a sweet tooth my entire life… I now dream about ice cream and milk shakes…

My pants are too tight…


What made you say “Really” last month?

They Call it Puppy Love

They Call it Puppy Love

Morkie Family TreeI got myself something for Christmas this year… a puppy!  Yes, I know. Your first thought is, “are you mom yorkie with morkie puppiescrazy?” or maybe it was “better you than me”, or maybe you just laughed and shook your head.  I assume that, because that’s normally how I respond when someone tells me that they basically lost their little minds to the unending cuteness, whining, and the pitter-patter of four little paws.

If you are familiar with my blog, you might remember my posts about my crazy dog that had issues beyond what training, Prozac, and a dog whisper could fix.  I had to put him down about 6 months ago, because he was hurting himself uncontrollably.  It was extremely difficult, and I am still saddened by the loss.  I swore I her eyes are openwas done with pets, and I was just going to keep our older dog comfortable till it was my morkie and pit lab mixher time, and then we would be a pet free home.  Now I have a twelve and a half, year old lab, pit mix and a thirteen-week-old Morkie.  I guess I need to be more careful with my resolutions.

It all started when one of my best friends bread her little Yorkie with her next-door neighbors Maltese.  She was only planning on 2-3 puppies. One each for the parents and one for my friend’s daughter.  When the time came, though, that little yorkie birthed six puppies!  I went over to see them when they were only 3 days old… and was sold.morkie puppies

After that, I visited the litter once or twice a week.  I choose my puppy when they were about 2 weeks, bringing my morkie homeand didn’t name her till 6 weeks.  Naming a puppy is harder than it sounds.  I had decided on the name, Rue, but after visiting her again and calling her that, I quickly realized that couldn’t be her name.  Her name is Olive, and it suits her perfectly.

I brought her home at 7 weeks.  The first week was a little tough.  She was not too happy about sleeping without her family.  After my experience with my other crazy pup, I am peek a boo morkiedetermined to train my little Olive by the book.  No sleeping with me, unless the sun is up.  It only took about a week, or maybe two, but she now loves her crates, and she even goes into them on her own for naps.  I don’t have to worry about her at night, or when we leave the house, because she is safe and content in her crate.

my daughter and our morkieHousebreaking is a full time job though.  My friend had Olive and her family in a crate, and began paper-training right away.  By increasing the puppy’s area, and decreasing the newspapers, Olive learned pretty quickly that newspapers were potties.  She also took them outside to the same place cutest morkie evershortly after feeding, so they were learning to go outside as well.  Strangely, Olive only likes to go in mulch.  It’s better for me.  I don’t have to clean up the yard and it fertilizes my garden.

Now, I feed her on a schedule, and I have figured out how long it takes her to digest.  She goes outside 95% of the time, and then she will use the newspaper if I don’t make it.  At 13 weeks old, she only misses occasionally.

cutest puppy everPuppies are a lot of work.  Three of my four kids are grown and moved on, and my youngest is in high school.  I kind of thought having this puppy would help me fill my mama morkie in toy basketvoid.  Don’t get me wrong, parenting adults is still fulfilling, and definitely a big part of my life, but something about having a puppy… a little, fluffy, lovable animal, that listens, and loves unconditionally, and is always happy to see you…something about a puppy can make any bad day better.  Really.

Do you have a puppy story?pretty girl morkie



Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and things that go bump in the night.

Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and things that go bump in the night.

I wrote this post last year – and for the record, I still hold to it… BUT, I will add, that my youngest son is named after Saint Nicholas Day, and we have always told the kids the actual truth about who the man really was – a wonderful saint of a man, that loved and cared for children, in the name of Christ… you can keep your traditions, with out lying or trying to convince your children to believe in the lie… the truth really is fun… I swear.

* Spoiler Alert (if you believe the above are real, do not read this post)

There are many “acceptable” lies that some parents tell their children.  The 3 biggies are: Santa, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

I honestly never gave these things much thought, except the Easter Bunny… As a Christian, I always had trouble making the leap from Christ’s resurrection to a giant egg- leaving rabbit, but that’s not my point today.

 It seems that many parents in America don’t have a problem telling their kids that a big fat man, a giant bunny, and a fairy, will sneak into their homes, in the dark of night, and leave surprises.  Some parents even drag their kids to the mall, stand in line, and put them on a strange person’s lap for a picture….  When I put it that way, it sounds kinda creepy, doesn’t it?  I’ve had parents tell me that it’s fun!  It’s tradition! It’s harmless and kids love it. Seriously?

I used to leave reindeer snacks, cookies, and carrots out for our annual intruders.  I never even really minded that my kids didn’t have to thank me for their gifts cause they were from Santa, and he wasn’t there on Christmas morning.  If you are a parent that has had your kids write thank you letters to Santa – kudos!  I tried… but then forgot, and my kids didn’t remind me.  Those dang kids.

It all changed one day back in 1997, when my darling daughter had just turned 5. My second child told her that all of these American icons, where not real.  She came to me, and asked if it was true.  I sat down and confirmed what her stinker brother had said.  She looked right at me, with big blue, tear filled eyes, and said, “Mommy, why did you lie to me?”  Really.  My heart broke.  I told her all of those great reasons, and she said, “but mommy, it’s not fun. it always scared me”.  After that, we had a family meeting and we found out that all of our kids found it a little scary, and they never really understood thesanta sees you when your sleeping connections… Santa/Birth of Christ, Bunny/Christ resurrection or Teeth/Fairies… At the time, I was expecting my fourth child and the kids informed me that, if we planned on “lying” to the baby, they would not participate.

That was the end of the mystical characters in our home.

It has served us well, even though some of my friends have been annoyed with us.  Especially when my kids told their kids the “truth”…(sorry)  Through all of that though, it was probably one of the best changes for our family.  Christmas is now 3 gifts, a “myrrh” is something for their bodies, a “frankincense” is for their minds and a “gold” is a treasure that they have wanted.  We still do the stocking for our country tradition, and we fill them with small fun things.  Easter is focused just on Christ, but we still will participate in a good egg hunt on occasion, and we have had a photo or 2 with the Bunny…just for fun.  When the kids lost a tooth, they just handed to me…and I handed them some cash…lame. I know.  You can judge me all you want next time you are waiting for your kid to fall asleep, and then spend 15 minutes digging under their pillow looking for a tooth…

We are always honest with our kids, even in the name of fun.  We leave the make-believe to their imaginations…. If you are a die hard traditionalist, good for you.  But if you ever want to come over to the less stressful side.. I’ll be waiting. 😀

I have also written a post about the, “Merry Christmas” vs. “Happy Holidays”… if your interested, read it HERE.

I would love to hear how YOU handle the holiday!

Growing then Going…

Growing then Going…

Having a baby right before my sweet sixteen was traumatic at the least.

I remember thinking I could handle anything – even a baby… until labor.   I had to be induced, since I was 3 weeks passed my due date and the baby was already over 8 pounds!  I headed to the hospital, stopping for some McDonalds french-fries and a hot fudge sundae (because they go together), I checked in and was prepped for giving birth… I remember being so embarrassed in that little hospital gown, and having the nurses just poke and prod where they needed to.  I was scared out of my mind.  I ended up going through induction all day, to only have an emergency c-section by dinnertime.  I was lucky to be my doctor’s very first horizontal incision…  15 staples across my abdomen… whoo hoo!  Back then you did not go home after 24 or 48 hours. I was in for over a week.  I also shared a room with 5 other new moms.  Visiting hours were the law, and no one could spend the night with you – not even the baby.

My biggest concerns back then were not about how to raise my beautiful baby boy, but more about how much pain I was in, and how long was it going to last… I worried about the scar it would leave, and if the daddy would still love me.  I had no thoughts about the future of this little boy, just thoughts of love… I loved him more than I could have even imagined.  I just knew that Love was all I needed to be the best mama ever, and with my heart just bursting with it – I knew everything would be ok.  That was over 28 years ago, and I remember it like yesterday…

Well, I wish I could say that just loving your child was that simple.  I soon learned that love was more than a feeling.  It was sacrifice.  It was putting your own desires aside for the sake of another.  It was about protecting and even discipline.  Oh how I hated putting him in time-out!

As he grew, I grew.  We experienced a lot back then.  Some things I would like to forget altogether, but I know that the sum of my life now, is the addition of all the experiences I’ve had, both good, and bad, and I am kind of OK with how that turned out…

I am still considered pretty “young” most of the time. Especially in groups of women who have adult children.  I know I still have much to learn… but I can tell you what the hardest part of parenting as been so far… It’s letting go.  It’s having all of those mommy moments and then letting your kids go and just be who they will be.

I love being a mom, even when my heartbreaks, or I am frustrated beyond words.  Nothing I have ever experienced has brought me closer to God, or more dependent on Him than parenting.

Oh, to parent an infant or a toddler once again…. Sigh.

Don’t rush it folks… it will be gone sooner than you think. Really.


Africa Update or Mama Smiles… Whichever you prefer

Africa Update or Mama Smiles… Whichever you prefer

If you’re familiar with my blog, then you know that my one and only daughter, Katie, is spending 2 months is Swaziland, South Africa this summer.  I posted about it HERE, when I was still nervous, and she was still fund raising.  Then I posted HERE when the fund raising was over… She has just passed the half way mark, so I thought it might be fitting to post about it…

I thought we would not be able to communicate with her, at least not often, but to my pleasant surprise, we have been able to “chat” on facebook about once a week.  Her team is keeping a BLOG, although they don’t get to post much, and one of the girls in her group has the international phone plan, that works occasionally, so I also get a random text once in a while.  This morning, I was blessed to get some “face time” with her because she was able to use an ipad and was in a South African mall with wifi… So, needless to say, my worrying has been at a minimum.

Her updates have been wonderful, and I can hear her excitement even in the words she types.  They are staying in a homestead in Swaziland.  There is no running water or any modern conveniences.  She has mentioned a time or two her grievance over not having real toilets, or showers.  They use baby wipes, and buckets of well water to clean with.  I’ve been instructed to have the tub cleaned and ready for her when she gets home.

She loves the people and her team.  The scenery is breathtaking and the children are her joy.  They work at “care-points” each day, feeding and caring for the children in the surrounding communities.  They have found several places to just help where needed, and they are always thinking of how to make a lasting impact.

She has been trapped in the shower shack (see the picture) by a heard of cows.  They have had some things stolen, by the cow herder.  He got caught, and fired, so everything was returned, but they woke to a dead cow in the front yard the next day.  So, since there is no refrigerators, they had the pleasure of watching the cow get cut up, and passed around.  Her exact words were ‘EW Gross!”

They went into a mental hospital, which was more of a hospital for the demon possessed.  It was the most terrifying thing she has ever experienced.  They managed to pray, and then get out, but it has stuck with them.  Katie told me today that she has planned a “Joshua” attack… since they can’t go back in the hospital, they will walk around it and pray till the ‘strong hold” comes down.  Prayers from here would be welcomed too…

They have been on safari, and have visited the mall.  They have fallen in love with the sweet bread that is sold through the jail-like bars on the windows of the stores throughout the area.  For the 4th of July they went to a party in South Africa… she said she hadn’t seen that many white people in one place since she got over there, and it actually felt weird. The food hasn’t been as bad as she feared and she misses chocolate more than anything…

One of the things she has learned is how simple sharing Christ really is.  She was preparing to say and do all the right things… And when it came down to it, she didn’t have to really say much, if anything at all.   She has been ministered to as much, if not more, then the people she is serving.

I must say, before she went, she had been living in a big city, doing the city life college thing.  I was concerned that maybe her heart wasn’t ready for such a big adventure.  Wow. I love being wrong sometimes.  Really.

Please keep her and the team in your prayers! Thank you!



Answered Prayer…Yes, it happens.

Answered Prayer…Yes, it happens.

My last post was about fellowship, and how important I think it is… That got me thinking about an even deeper fellowship, which is the glue that holds me together… Which got me thinking about a time when I was desperate for fellowship with a friend, or family member, and God made it clear that it was only time for Him.  I then thought I should share that story with you…

My oldest son has had many challenges in his life.  Much more than the average person for sure, and that has made life just a little bit more difficult for him and for those that love him.  This week we celebrated his 28th birthday, so we have come a long way!  We have some scars, but we also have some faith and we have clearly seen God’s hand in many of the trials we have endured.  I am very proud of the man he has become…

When he was 17 he had gotten into some trouble with the law, and had gone to jail for a short period of time.  This development had come after a long line of struggles and I was really exhausted.  On the morning of his court date, I had to drop two of my kids off at school, and one off at a friend’s house.  I had been sick, and I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for that morning as well.  I dropped off all of the kids, and was heading to the courthouse when it all just overcame me.  I needed to talk to my husband.  I called him and he didn’t answer.  So, I tried my mom.  She didn’t answer.  I called 3 of my friends.  None of them answered.  At this point I was crying and asking God where the heck everyone was!!  I got on a roll and just started screaming at Him.  I threw my phone across the van and really let God have it.  Why? I kept asking Him.  What am I supposed to do?  I told Him that I needed peace and direction!

I got to the courthouse and my son and his lawyer were outside the courtroom.  I was informed that within the hour we could all go home.  I had my doctor’s appointment, and I was still pretty upset, so I told the lawyer to drop my son off at the house, and I left.  He obviously had it under control.

I arrived at the doctor’s office almost 30 minutes late.  The nurse told me that I would now have to wait to be “fit in”.  So, being emotionally exhausted, I agreed with the terms and found a seat.  About 30 minutes later, I was moved to room on the far left of the building.  I sat in there for about another 20 minutes.  Then they came and moved me to the far right of the building.  I sat in there for about 15 minutes.  Then the doctor walked in the room…

I didn’t know her, but it was a big practice, and I was a “fit in” so I wasn’t alarmed that I wasn’t getting my regular doctor.  She seemed sweet enough at the introductions, and I immediately felt at ease.  She kindly took my hand and asked me what was bothering me.  Well.  I burst into tears and started telling her my parenting woes!  She encouraged me, by asking questions and really looking like she cared!  I ended up spilling the whole story in about 5 minutes.  She then took my hand again, looked me right in the eye and told me that she had gone through the same thing with her son a few years ago.  She then shared her story, and offered lots of advice, books for me to read for comfort and peace, and she even told me about a place that my son could go if he really needed to.

The nurse kept popping in and smiling and looking like she wanted to say something too.  The doctor asked the nurse to bring lunch to her, because she didn’t want to end our conversation just yet.  When the nurse came back, she asked if she could share something too.  She then told both of us that she used to be just like my son.  She told us how she felt and why she did some of the things she did.  She even told us what she thought when her parents tried to help her.  She then told us her beautiful story of redemption and transformation.

Well, after all of that sharing and crying, it turned out I had a sinus infection too.  I got some antibiotics, a list of resources that would help me with my son; some hugs, and headed home.

I left there in complete awe of my God.  He answered every single question I screamed at Him, just a few hours before.  He used those stories to give me hope and peace, and even an action list – which is important to type A’s like me.

A few weeks later, I called the doctors office to thank her.  I was told that she was not there.  She was just a friend of one of the doctors, who just happened to be in town that week, and was filling in that day because they were short staffed.  She was gone.  Really.

She was there, in that office, for just that day.  God knew what I needed, and even the questions I had, before I had even thrown my phone…  If that’s not an answered prayer, I don’t know what is.  I also realized that I had waited an awful long time to see the doctor.  Kinda like waiting on the Lord.  What if I had gotten impatient and left?  God’s timing is not the same as ours, but sometimes it’s pretty close if we just wait…

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

One of the resources she recommended is the book “The Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormie Omartian.  It has brought me much peace over the years.

The place she recommended was the Paul Anderson Youth Home for Boys.  We did end up having our son stay there for a while – and I can also recommend it!  It is a wonderful place, truly anointed by God.

Do you have a God story to share?  Are you still waiting on the Lord?





Yesterday was kind of a girl day for me.  I had lunch with 2 sweet friends I hadn’t seen in a few months, and then I had women’s bible study at my house that evening.  It was a wonderful day filled with laughing, crying, hugs, and love….

This morning when the alarm went off, I was not pleased.  I rolled over and told my husband I was too tired today!  He grunted and told me it was because I had too much girl time yesterday… which is “life force draining”.  Seriously?  Then he tells me that women have the “D.E.F.” (Drama Effect Factor)  Then he tells me that he thinks all women should come with a DEF label… any woman over a 10, should probably be a Nun, because most men couldn’t handle her.  Then he actually said, “Men have a DEF issue with women sometimes”.  YOU THINK?

He was totally playing around with me this morning and teasing me for keeping him and my son trapped in the basement until 10PM, while me and eight of my girlfriends had a fabulous time together.  He was a riot, and it did get me up – mostly to just slap him …

After I got out the door, I was thinking about what he said, and it really did make sense in a way.  Women do share emotion.  Men usually don’t.  Women usually deal with drama.  Men don’t.  I wouldn’t classify sharing each other’s burdens “drama” – but men usually do.  Now, I know there are exceptions to this rule – and my man has even been spotted tearing up at a Publix commercial or two.  He even attends a “men’s group” each week where they take a “lie” of the world and compare it to the truth of the Word… aaaaand they talk about sports…

I was actually melancholy yesterday before I had all of my “girl time”.  I have had a lot on my mind, and was just feeling blah.  After spending the day with my friends, I felt better.  Really better.  I didn’t feel “life force drained”.  I felt revived.

I think fellowship is very important.  It’s even important to God.  The Bible is filled with instruction and encouragement on fellowship. Hebrews 10:23-25 says, “ Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

I love spending time with my girlfriends.  I recommend joining a small group, or mom’s group, book club, or something.  Bible Studies come with the added bonus of learning God’s Word together, as well as praying for each other, which is awesome…  I know some ladies out there think they are loners.  You’re not.  You might not like a big group, and that’s OK, but no one should be alone all the time.  We weren’t designed for that.  You might have been burned or you’re scared, but we’ve ALL been burned and are scared!  True fellowship is worth the risk.  I promise.

I love being a girl and I love fellowship… How about you?